Thursday, July 26, 2007

Hand Full of Story

Plam Reading say:-
If one's hands are smooth and fleshy, one is not bound to go though much hardships.
If there are too many lines that intersects each other means that one has many emotional baggages, undecisive, someone who thinks too much into things.

For me, I would prefer a guy with slightly coarse hands as it gives me a sense of security. It tells me how much he had been through. It made his life filled with many learnt lessons. And I'll benefit from listening to all the stories he had for me. :)

It doesn't mean that people with smooth and flawless hands does not have any nice stories. It is just that I would prefer stories that will allow me to realise the bad side of life. I'm a very fortunate girl who is living in a very cosy environment. Hardship is? I do not know. All these stories are a form of motivation that will bring me through life as it is not a bed of roses. It may seems to be but still there are thorns that prick. (sounds familiar? ya. Joanna love to say this to me and our conversation can go on n on ard this. Not to mention, u are not forgotten.) Though things may be moving on fine for me, who knows what will happen in the long run.

To friends out there, nothing is perfect. Your life lies in your own hands. So crave out what you want and live till the fullest. Treasure what you have now and not take things for granted. Cheers!

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