Monday, April 27, 2009


Haven't touched this blog for a long time I supposed.
1st news to road users, watch out for me on the road!!
I've passed my Traffic Police Driving Test with 18 demerit points.
Drove Bear's bluey to AMK Hub at tortoise speed. LAUGHS!
Most importantly, Bear survived the ride!

2ndly, I've went to Korea and is back BROKE!!
Bought darn load of stuff for Prissy. (shoes, pens, clothes and yada yada)
Enjoyed the temperature and FOOD there!!
Will definitely go there again if I can. :)

3rdly, Ody is turning 2!
Time flies really fast when we are unaware of it.
He's so much more well behaved compared to before but he's far to ALPHA!!
He is no longer submissive and doesn't like to be pawed either.
This has to be corrected else he'll be getting into dog fights..

P/S: Have uploaded photos on my trip to Korea in Facebook. Do view it from there. :)

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