Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Came across this article with the headline: Pet Camel Kills Austrilian Woman
I'm not really sure whether I shd be laughing to it or feel sorry.
Its really hilarious. Oopsy~
So ladies, think twice before choosing a pet ya.
Never try to be extraordinary!

My hammie died
He was so frail and skinny
He used to be the fatest lil hamster that I had
He was that fat till the extend that he cant even climb up the tunnel.
In order to make him exercise, I place the food on the upper deck.
It did help a lil but he became lazier and will nap beside it.
By the time we saw him that frail, we place everything on the lower deck and he'll slp in the lil house with bedding covering half the entrance. =)
His days are counted.
Day by day he's getting weaker and yups. =(
It is just a cycle that all mammals or living organisms have to go through.
Hope that he's happy in the other world.
Memories remain deep in my heart.

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